

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Library

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Library provides service to all Saskatchewan Polytechnic students, faculty, and staff.  Each campus library includes a learning commons, study space, and comfortable seating.  Our friendly and professional staff members can assist you in-person, or by email or telephone.

Sask Polytech Library Service Promise

Library in Review Documents








Library Use Guidelines


Learning is often a social and communal activity. The library is the natural place for tutoring, working on group projects and studying together. We are limited by the layout and features of the library. These are the expectations when using the library space.

  • Phones – keep phones on silent and take loud conversations outside of the library.
  • Videos and media – use headphones to watch videos and other media with sound. If you don’t have headphones you can buy ear buds at the front desk.
  • Talking and group work are important for learning – please be respectful to others. We encourage group work at our tables, but keep the volume reasonable and content respectful. Be aware of people around you. If you would like a more private space, you can book a study room
  • Alternative spaces – the libraries work with our Facilities department to promote additional space for study elsewhere on campus.


Food and Drink

Eating and drinking is only allowed in designated areas on campus. So that we can keep our equipment clean and in working order we ask that you please refrain from eating and drinking at computer workstations.

Please dispose of garbage and leave the keyboards clean. The library is a busy shared space, and we want to keep it clean and welcoming for all.


Sleeping in the Library

Students often need to catch up on their sleep. If you are a loud sleeper staff are concerned for your health, we will politely wake you up. Please also refer to the Fit for Duty and Learning policy.


Members of the public (non-Sask Polytech students or staff)

Our space is primarily for student and staff use; however, members of the public are welcome.

  • Children: children are welcome in the library when accompanied and supervised by an adult. Please supervise children under your care and ensure that they are not being disruptive to others in the library.
  • Unaccompanied children – children under 13 need to be accompanied by an adult. If children are found unaccompanied in the library, staff will contact Security Services to resolve the situation.
  • Computer use has been suspended.


Dealing with misuse of space

Just like in the classroom, when someone or something is bothering you, there are a few ways to deal with it.

  • Peer – monitoring-: If you are comfortable, ask the person being disruptive to speak more quietly, use headphones, or put their phone on silent.
  • Staff assistance : If you need assistance, notify staff at the front-desk and they will help manage the situation.

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Alternative Study Spaces on Campus


Quiet study

Group Study

Individual or Group Study

Prince Albert


Student lounge (F206)

Cafeteria (C101)

Student lounge (F206)

Cafeteria (C101)

Moose Jaw

Empty Classrooms if available

Macoun Lounge, Playground, Cafeteria, Empty Classrooms if available, Learning Services

Macoun Lounge, Playground, Cafeteria, Empty Classrooms if available, Learning Services





Student Lounge



If not booked, Lab 207.27 is open for student use until 10:45pm




Henri’s (Main Floor),

Indigenous Student’s Centre (Rm 121.4),

Cafeteria (Until 5:00 Monday to Friday – Main Floor),

Seating and tables in hallways on all floors of the tower.

Henri’s (Main Floor),

 Indigenous Student’s Centre (Until 4:00pm Monday to Friday - Rm 121.4),

Cafeteria (Until 5:00 Monday to Friday – Main Floor)

Seating and tables in hallways on all floors of the tower.

Saskatoon – Ave W


SaskPolytech lounge

SaskPolytech lounge


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Disruptive and Disrespectful Behaviour

If library staff are observing repeated misuse of space, it may result in referral to the Student Relations Office under the Student Conduct (non-Academic) policy. Incidents of disruptive and disrespectful behaviour as outlined in the violations section of the procedures will also be referred. Members of the public are subject to a separate Saskatchewan Polytechnic Code of Conduct policy.

Related Saskatchewan Polytechnic policies

Health and Safety

Computer Use


  1. Student Conduct Policy (Non-Academic)
  2. Code of Conduct (Members of public and staff)

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Other Library Guidelines

  1. Room booking guidelines (Guidelines vary and can be viewed by choosing your campus at https://saskpolytech.libcal.com/)
  2. Lab booking guidelines
  3. Computer Use Guidelines
  4. Privacy

Feedback on the guidelines.

Please send your feedback to library@saskpolytech.ca.

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Saskatchewan Polytechnic is committed to protecting the privacy and the personal information of applicants, current students, past students, and any members of the public who share information with Saskatchewan Polytechnic students or employees as part of the delivery of Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs or services. For more information about privacy at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, see the Privacy Statement on our website. 

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