About Library Instruction
Librarians help students succeed and save valuable time by channeling their information questions to the correct source. Students learn how to think critically about where information comes from and how to determine what information is worth using and what should be discarded.
Book a librarian for your class or contact your Instruction Librarian.
Examples of Classes Offered
Welcome to the Library
A basic overview of the library, customized for your program. Examples: Tour of the (online) library, meet your librarian, find an item.
Search Skills
For example, planning your search, using library databases, advanced Google skills.
Evaluating Information
Critical thinking skills about sources students have found. For example, the RADAR method.
Academic Integrity
For example, avoid plagiarism, ethical use of sources, references and citations, APA, reference tools.
Getting an Item
Learn how to find the full text for an article, book, etc. May include the Library’s Interlibrary Loans service.
Other Services
Distance and Online Delivery
- Librarians deliver both in-person and online instruction.
- Librarians will develop activities for Brightspace, like evaluating a website or a citation exercise.
- Librarians will create materials for Brightspace, for example videos or handouts.
- Interested in open textbooks? Request an information search.
- Have a librarian in your class to answer questions or to help with a work period
Faculty Development C
Book a librarian for group sessions about information skills. If you prefer one-on-one time, book an appointment with a librarian.
Book a Librarian
Students can book an appointment with their instruction librarian for one-on-one help such as follow-up from a session.