Interlibrary Loans
For questions regaring ILL, please email us at
This service is available to all members of the Saskatchewan Polytechnic community – students, faculty, and staff—with the following exceptions:
- Books are not available for distance users due to the short loan periods set by most lending libraries.
- This service is not available to dependent's family members or external borrowers (affiliates, alumni & retirees, members of the public).
- Borrower accounts must be active (not expired) and have no more than $10.00 in outstanding fines.
Turnaround Time
- Requests for articles are usually filled within 2-3 business days.
- A minimum of seven to ten days is usually needed to search, process and receive a book.
- The time needed to obtain an item depends on the nature of the request, the accuracy of the information provided, the proximity of the lending library and the number of requests to be processed.
- Requests for books from American and international libraries will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
- Articles will be delivered to users by email with these instructions. This copy has been provided under the s. 29 and s. 29.1 fair dealing exceptions in the Canadian Copyright Act. A student, staff member, faculty member or library patron may use this copy for the purposes of education, research, private study, parody, satire, criticism, or review. No further distribution of this copy is allowed unless permitted by law.
- Students, faculty and staff will be notified by email when books arrive for pick up.
- Renewals will be based on the lending library’s policy and the date the material is due back. Borrowers assume all costs and fees associated with lending libraries renewal policy.
- The library assumes responsibility for all borrowing costs, up to $25.00 (Cdn.) per request, as charged by the lending library.
- Overdue fines follow the fine policy of the lending library. If the lending library does not have a fine policy the user will be charged $1.00 per day per item.
Maximum Number of Requests
- Students may submit a maximum of ten per research project. The requested materials should be related to their course of study.
- Faculty and staff members may submit an unlimited number of requests relating to their area of teaching or research.
Replacement Fee for Loss or Damage
- The borrower is responsible for replacement charges, as assessed by the lending library, for damaged or lost interlibrary loan materials.
Violation of Interlibrary Loan Privileges
- Should a borrower repeatedly disregard the Interlibrary Loan Regulations their interlibrary loan privileges may be withdrawn as per Library regulations.
- The following actions may result in suspension of privileges:
- Repeated failure to pick up requested materials
- Repeated failure to return materials on time
Not all materials are available by Interlibrary Loan
- There are times when we will be unable to supply the article or other material you
request. Reasons include:
- The material you requested was not found in the document, journal, or at the page number(s) provided.
- Lending libraries indicated they are unable to fill our request.
- No library locations can be found or Item is "non-circulating" or restricted to local users in library locations found.
- Item is not available for loan from any source, but must be purchased directly from the supplier.
Information for libraries requesting material from Saskatchewan Polytechnic Library
Docline Codes
Regina: SKCBGX
Saskatoon: SKCBLZ
- Electronic files are only supplied when permitted by license terms (Terms of Use).
- Lending is up to Client Services staff discretion. May not be supplied if:
- item is very new,
- item is or has been in high demand among Saskatchewan Polytechnic users,
- item has a high replacement cost.
- Lent for up to 6 weeks
- ILL Technician may vary this, depending on anticipated shipping times and patron loan period
- 1 renewal generally permitted.
Ebook excerpts/chapters
- Only if permitted by license terms (Terms of Use)
Not for loan:
- Entire ebooks
- Reference items
- Reserve items
- Periodicals
- Audiobooks
- Computer software
- DVDs and video (exceptions based on ILL technician’s judgement. Never lend to US or other foreign libraries.)
- Standards
What we charge other libraries
Scanned Items
Saskatchewan libraries (any library type) | no charge |
Canadian libraries | $15.00 per article (unless Freeshare) |
Libraries with substantially higher charges | reciprocal rates |
Freeshare libraries | no charge |
American and other foreign libraries | CAD$30.00 (invoice will be sent separately) |
Loaned Items
Saskatchewan libraries (any library type) | no charge |
Canadian libraries | $15.00 per item (unless Freeshare) |
Freeshare libraries | no charge |
Libraries with substantially higher charges | reciprocal rates |
American and International libraries | CAD$30.00 (invoice will be sent separately) |