Adopt, Adapt, or Create OER

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In fall of 2022, Sask Polytechnic introduced the Pressbooks platform to provide an editing/publishing solution for employees to work with existing openly licensed resources or create and publish new material.  For more information on how to apply Creative Commons Licenses click the button below. 


Creative Commons Licenses


What is Pressbooks?

Pressbooks is a publishing platform based on the popular Wordpress application. In Pressbooks educators can build and share ideas by creating interactive books. 


Saskatchewan Polytechnic Pressbooks 


How are we using Pressbooks at Sask Polytech?

Pressbooks is a tool that facilitates finding, sharing and creating Open Educational Resources (OER). OER are teaching resources that have an open-copyright licence (such as one from Creative Commons), or are part of the public domain and have no copyright. Depending on the licence used, OER can be freely accessed, used, re-mixed, improved, and shared. Several Saskatchewan Polytechnic employees have already published resources in Pressbooks, these books cover topics that assist our programs and provide valuable information. We continue to grow our academic community's OER collection in Pressbooks .

Public Domain - shadow head with colorful book shelf

To sign up for an account or to get oriented to the platform, contact

If you have a great idea for an open education resource, but don't know how to make it happen, please contact our Scholarly Communications Librarian at For more information view our recorded session: “Adopt, adapt or create? A faculty OER toolkit with Pressbooks.”

Click here to learn about Saskatchewan Polytechnic's OER grant opportunities generously funded by the  Government of Saskatchewan.


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