New Resource Filter Bar
We have updated the Quick Find search bar on the library website for the new year.
When you are on the results page of a search, you now have the option to quickly narrow
down the results to:
➡️ Books
➡️ Articles
➡️ Journals
➡️ Videos
➡️ Book Chapters
➡️ Databases
How do you do this?
First, do a search in the Quick Find search bar on the library website - input your topic/title and hit enter on the keyboard/click the magnifying glass:
On the results page, you can then narrow the results down to the type of resource
you are looking for. Click onto Books, Articles, Journals, Videos, Book Chapters or
How does this help?
This update will save you time! For example, if you know you need an article for a paper on the topic of welcome, click onto Articles and you don't have to scroll through results you don't care about!
Goodbye to doom scrolling in 2025 🎉