Open Education Week Recordings
We have celebrated another Open Education Week at Saskatchewan Polytechnic Library! Thank you to all the speakers and attendees.
The recordings for Sask Polytech's presentations during OE Week that took place March 3 - 7, 2025 are now available on the Sask Polytech Youtube channel.
Teaching with Wikipedia (for all disciplines)
Monday, March 3, 2025: Presenter, Andrés Vera From Wiki Education provides an interactive opportunity to assess writing skills through a writing assignment that takes your students beyond the classroom with a Wikipedia assignment. By combining faculty subject expertise and Wikipedia’s protocols, students can fill in content gaps, enhance representation, and improve citations on the world’s largest encyclopedia. To participate in the project, you can contact Andrés at
Available at
Unbottling the Magic with a GenAI
Tuesday, March 4, 2025: This workshop is focussed on practical magic where you will receive guidance to create a textbook chapter, and to explore how AI can be used in OER. Join Lucas Wright and Will Engel, experts from the Learning and Teaching division of the University of British Columbia for an interactive online workshop about Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and Open Educational Resources (OER). The workshop also explores legal and ethical issues, such as copyright and privacy.
The workshop document is available at
Available at
Indigenous Knowledge and OE
Wed., March 6, 2025: Seeking âsokanihkew - a conversation about bridging 40 years of copyright and First Nation's knowledge. In the late 1980s, Alexander Wolfe wanted to save his family and community oral tradition stories, so he wrote a book called "Earth Elder Stories." Harvey Knight from Muskoday First Nation assisted in the writing of the book. In this conversation, Harvey joins Andrea Jonasson, a Sask Polytechnic instructor and Donna Thiessen, Sask Polytechnic librarian to talk about the book's history (why oral tradition was committed to print) and discuss how oral tradition stories should be used in libraries and communities now and in the future.
Available at
. . but is it Learning? Game-based Learning and Sharing OE Resources in a College
Thursday, March 6, 2025: At Sask Polytechnic, we're learning how to use games in education. Last year, the Saskatoon library set up a gaming lab (the SPARK lab) and this year we are using an OE tool called H5P (integrated into Pressbooks) to make interactive learning modules. This session, hosted by Library Supervisor, Katrina Matt explores the concepts of game-based learning and gamification with Technology Trainer, Justin Matheson, and looks at how to engage students, with examples from Instructor Matthew Van Nus and Curriculum Developer, Evan Cole.
Available at
Want to see historical sessions? We have a YouTube playlist available!