Chat may temporarily be offline during regular hours due to all-staff meetings or staffing issues. While chat is offline, you can still search our FAQs, email us, or schedule an appointment with a librarian.

Ask Us Live Guidelines

Ask Us Live operators assist with access for the use of library services and resources to members of the Saskatchewan Polytechnic community. We will provide a referral for non-library-related queries to the relevant department or contact. During peak times, you may be asked to wait, or you may choose another form of contact with the library.

Ask Us Live operators treat everyone with respect and expect the same in return.

Chat transcripts are kept on a secure platform used for statistical and training purposes.

The personal information on this form is collected for the purpose of statistical and training purposes and follow-up if needed. Your information will be kept confidential and will be accessible to those Library Staff administering the program. Please do not disclose personal information in the Live Chat. For more information about privacy at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, see the Privacy Statement on our website. 


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